Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Kamila's Radical Record

Camila calling the kettle black, who's the weird one?

One of Harris’ most controversial decisionscame in 2004when she declined to pursue the death penalty against the man who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza. At the funeral, Senator Dianne Feinstein delivered a eulogy in which she criticized Harris, who was in the audience, prompting a standing ovation from the hundreds of officers in attendance.
Harris would be shunned by police unions for the next decade.

Later, as California attorney general,Harris declined to support two ballot initiatives that would’ve banned the death penalty—raising accusations of political opportunism and inconsistencyon the controversial issue.

She was under scrutinyduring her tenure as San Francisco district attorney when a technician stolecocaine from the DA’s crime lab and mishandled evidence. Harris, trying to keep things under wraps, failed to inform defense attorneys. As a result, about a thousand drug-related cases had to be thrown out.


Her friendship with Barack Obamadates back to his run for Senate in 2004. She was the first notable California officeholder to endorse himduring his 2008 presidential bid.


In San Francisco,she vocally supported a controversial 2010 lawthat made truancy a misdemeanor and punished parents who failed to send their children to school. The truancy rate ultimately dropped, but some critics saw the rule as too punitive.


contrary to the media narrative Kamala Harris did not grow up in oakland. She was born in Oakland but moved to Berkeley where she lived here early years before moving to Montreal where she attended middle school and high school.
election fraud

The race was so tight that on election night, Cooley made a victory speech and the San Francisco Chronicle declared him the winner. Three weeks later, all ballots having been counted, Harris was declared the victor by 0.8 percentage points.

Obama attraction,,
In 2013, President Barack Obama was recorded referring to Harris as the “best-looking attorney general in the country.” He later apologized after critics labeled the comment as sexist.

She had an inconsistent stance on health care,which also made voters skeptical. Although she said she supported the abolition of private health care during an earlier town hall, she later denied her statement and said she had misheard the question. She eventually released a health care plan that still included private health insurance.


During the campaign, Harris shied awayfrom discussing specifics about her career as a prosecutor, a strategic choice borne of fear that voters on the left would criticize her over criminal justice issues. She even failed to give a sharp response to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s misleadingattacks against her record, leaving voters unclear about her positions.


She ended her presidential campaignin December 2019,a month before the Iowa caucuses, after taking a hard look at her campaign’s financial future and low poll numbers. Internal turmoilcost her presidential bid, with aides accusing Harris of mistreating her staff with sudden layoffs and allowing her sister, Maya, to have too much influence.

She delayed her endorsementfor Biden until March 8,when there were no more women left in the race and his nomination was undeniable

One of the few times her father spoke publicly about her was when he reprimanded her for suggestively pointing to her Jamaican heritage when asked about her support for the legalization of marijuana. He criticized her for connecting Jamaicans to the “fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker.” He said he and his immediate family wished “to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”


She’s not a fan of being called the “female Obama.” When a reporter asked her about carrying on Obama’s legacy during her run for president, she said, “I have my own legacy.”


In June, her Wikipedia page was edited 408 times—far more than any other candidate on the shortlist –– in the span of three weeks, which people pointed to as a sign of her nomination as running mate (The Wikipedia page of Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016, saw more activity than any other candidate). The edits, mostly made by one person, had scrubbed controversial information from her page, including her “tough-on-crime” record and her decision not to prosecute Steven Mnuchin for financial fraud in 2013.

more discrimination? Now an airline has been allowed to let female passengers request not sitting next to a man. Is that not discrimination or at least a subtle kind? I frankly can't disagree with women I don't like to sit next to anybody but I don't like to sit next to anybody but this but it is so supposedly politically correct Society to me that's a form of racism or discrimination..
She went viral in 2017for her sharp questioningof then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the Russia investigation. After 3½ minutes of persistent questioning, Sessions said, “I’m not able to be rushed this fast! It makes me nervous.”

She implemented a similar strategyof questioning during Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearingsin 2018, when she grilled him about whether he’d discussed the Mueller investigation with anyone.

prop 47
she she came out for proposition 47 which made a lot of misdemeanors instead of! felonies  so a person could could steal up to $1,000 and the only charge is a misdemeanor

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